Thursday 25 September 2014

The Fault In Our Stars essay

The Fault in Our Stars essay

The Fault in Our Stars became a box office success instantly.  It was originally a book written by John Green; who is now widely known due to this book.  The book was an instant success much like the film.  The book was all over social media and my friends all had the book and gave really good reviews on it so I decided to buy it and read it (best decision of my life).  The fault in our stars the book went viral all over social media and so many people brought the book having heard such great reviews about it, meaning that the film had a reputation to stand up to considering the book was out of this world amazing.  The book isn’t too hard to read either, it is just plain and simple and it gets right down to the point.  The emotions of the characters shine through as John Green expresses them so well.  It feels almost as if we are living their life and we are going through every emotion they are going through which is probably why I cried so much whilst reading it!

The love that develops between Hazel and Augustus is just beautiful, there is no other way to describe it.  Augustus would never leave Hazels side showing true commitment from his part, making sure that she is alright.  I think that is what we all long for in our lifetime: to have someone there for us, through thick and thin that can survive anything with you and will still stay by your side, which in a way means that we, the audience, can relate to them: making it clear that this is a reason why the audience loved this film so much.  Apart from this film being sad, it does have it’s moments of comedy throughout which I think is what makes this film unique as it contrasts with the reality that Hazel and Augustus are going through.  By the way, the part where Augustus an Hazel get Isaac to egg his ex-girlfriends house is just brilliant, had me in stitches!

It’s quite weird you know because at the start I think nearly everyone thought that Hazel would be the one to pass away in the end.  But as it comes to the end of the film we see Augustus take a turn for the worst as he finds out he has got cancer in nearly every inch of his body (which kinda sucks).  We see how fast he deteriorates which again shows the harsh reality of cancer and how badly it can affect someone in a short space of time.  Teenagers living with cancer is not a nice sight at all, it’s not nice to see anyone in that much pain anyway, but to know that they are at a young age and have already been through so much really moves me.  The way they act like nothing is wrong and that they can still achieve what they want to is truly inspirational and I will never forget this film, as it had made me realise how lucky I am to be here.  

Rebecca Larkman

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