Monday 29 September 2014

Reflective analysis on short film

My intention was to produce and capture a short film of around 20 seconds long.  My film is both dramatical and tense due to the non diegetic music and the black and white feature used in part of the clip.  My aim was to make the film seem mysterious and quite an abstract piece of work to the audience and make them feel quite tense and unaware of what may happen next. 
My target audience is for teenagers and adults ranging from 16 to 14 years of age.  I decided to have this sort of audience as I feel younger adults will find the film more interesting and understandable and would feel keen to watch it.  I set the barrier at 24 years of age as it may not appeal much to an older audience due to the content of the short film. 
We added tension within this short film.  When the heartbeat sound is playing in the background it could through the audience off guard to what might happen next as the film is quite unpredictable.  There are two characters in which shot reverse shot is used a lot throughout the clip to emphasise them meeting for the first time after a long period.  Dialogue gives us an insight into their past "I haven't seen you in a while' could insinuate the pair have not been on good terms and therefore have not seen each other and are surprised to find each other.  The black and white filter is used to emphasise the mood and theme of this film which is dramatical and slightly tense throughout.  We used many shots such as an over the shoulder angle, a mid shot, a long shot, a close and an extreme close up to show emotions and mise-en-scene.  

This is our short film, hope you enjoy!

Rebecca Larkman

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