Thursday 25 September 2014

Horror Genre

Horror Genre

The main aim of any horror film is to create an atmosphere of fear amongst the audience: whether it be from making them jump, to the gory details that a horror film can have.  I have seen The Conjuring which is probably the scariest film I have ever watched closely followed by Insidious chapter 2.  The conjuring is full of nail biting scenes throughout and this has a massive impact on the audience.  The best part for the conjuring, for me, was the start because as soon as the film started the fear built up inside of the cinema and it really captivated the audience the way they started off with the doll and the Warrens which played a massive part in this film meaning that the audience would be intrigued and drawn to this film instantly.  This film is based on abnormal happenings throughout and that grips the audience to see something supernatural and unusual that they have never experienced.  It is no doubt that the Conjuring is full of darkness and the way they portray the anger and aggressiveness of the spirits that live in the house they go in to really fascinates me and the audience.  It is something so unreal but they make it seem so realistic and powerful that it feels like it is happening to you personally like you are feeling the fear that the characters feel.  The way the film is presented gives a real sense to your nightmares coming to life and haunting you as the film goes on.  I really enjoy horror films, it gives me such an adrenaline rush when I watch them and I think many horror film are fantastically made and they have me on the edge of my seat throughout.  Another horror film I really enjoyed watching was Insidious chapter 2.  Now the first Insidious to come out was absolutely terrifying in my opinion.  Every scene had something that only nightmares were made of and the spirits that were in their house truly scared the living day out of me.  There were so many jumpy scenes as well, not like in the typical horror movie where you can predict what would happen next; this film was so unpredictable.  This makes the audience more entertained and more scared because they don’t know what will happen next and so they enjoy it more.  When the second Insidious came out I was so eager to watch it and nagged my friends to come and see it with me so many times so we all ended up going.  The film was brilliant, absolutely fantastic.  The fear, the tension and the darkness were all in that one film and it was made with such detail.  My favourite scene from Insidious was where they had to go into Parker Crains house to find out the true story behind what happened to him, and why he was haunting Josh Lambert.  Now that scene describes perfectly how weird, dark and revolting this film really is.  It captivated me instantly because the film never got boring and whenever it felt like it was going to, something else would occur that would bring the action and fear back into the atmosphere.  There is no blood, no violence but it is probably the most jumpy film I have ever watched, and I feel privileged to have watched it.

Other horror films that do have violence and gory scenes are the saw movies.  They are such creative and unique films that were made with such a gruesome approach.  I honestly feel that the saw movies are the best horror films ever made just because apart from being gory they do have a feel of fear as you see people trying to battle to survive.  Scary horror films that are mainly about gory scenes could attract a certain kind of audience which could be different to those who want to see a supernatural horror where it could be more jumpy.  I also feel like other horror films such as sinister, the devil inside give us a fear of the unknown, the unusual; but saw does none of that.  It shows what people are capable of doing and how much they really value their lives.  Sinister has a great story line and the ending is unexpected and could make the audience feel shocked.  I personally think that the ending is brilliant, it is unpredictable and that is what i like in a horror film because so many horrors are the same nowadays, but having a film that goes beyond the normal horror story entertains the audience and leaves them wanting more.

Rebecca Larkman

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