Thursday 25 September 2014

Favourite film of the summer- The Purge Anarchy

Favourite film of the summer:

My favourite film of this summer has got to be The purge anarchy.  It had me on the edge of my seat almost instantly.  The film is about having one night a year where people can purge and let all their anger out but no services will be available (ambulance, fire department, police) for 12 hours, this means that crime will be reduced dramatically throughout the year.  There are five main characters: Sergeant, Eva, Shane, Liz and Cali.  All of them are surviving the night except for Sergeant who is seeking revenge from the man that killed his son but he gets caught up when he sees Eva and Cali (mother and daughter) being held at gun point by unknown men that look very suspicious.  This part of the film is very griping and full of action as Sergeant feels it is his responsibility to kill the men who are about to kill Eva and Cali, but then he also finds Shane and Liz (husband and wife) in the back of his car trying to hide from the purgers.  Sergeant has to get them all to safety by getting them all to Eva’s friends house as quickly as possible as the streets are full of crazy people trying to kill anything and everything they see.  This night is truly terrifying, just by imagining it, it makes me feel sick to the stomach because so many innocent people die just because people are angry and decide to take it out on people who are in no way harmful.  Loads of people die on the night because they simply do not have enough money to afford any protection, in a scene before the purging commences you see many people running the streets trying to find protection, which is truly heartbreaking because they are the ones that expect to die.  My favourite part of the film is when you learn about who those unknown people were that wanted to kill Eva and Cali as you find out that they are from the government and state that ‘not enough people are purging’ so they had to take manners into their own hands which makes much sense to why they were everywhere on the night.  You learn more about Sergeant as he leaves to try and find the man that kills his son but is unable to, which I think is the most moving part of the film.  He doesn’t kill the man who ran his little boy over but the man ends up helping Sergeant when he gets shot.  The sigh of relief when the purge is over was unmissable, so many ambulances and police cars were dispatched.  It is very scary to think if that ever happened in real life, the amount of innocents lives lost and the amount of casualties and inhuman activities performed on other makes my skin crawl with anger that someone could even think of doing that.  But another year will pass and the purge will return, all just to reduce crime throughout the city at the expense of innocent peoples lives.

Rebecca Larkman

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