Thursday 25 September 2014

Insidious Part 2

Insidious part 2 - Parker Cranes house.

At the very start of the scene tracking is introduced as you see the camera following the footsteps of Josh as he walks into Parker Cranes bedroom with Elise and Carl.  As they walk into the room there is high key lighting which contrasts with the characters as they are very violent and quite dark people.  The mother is dressed in grey and has dark make up on like black lips and black eyebrows which were cinematic choices made to show she is dangerous and is the one that could be violent.  Non-diegetic music is played in the background and it gets louder every time the mother is violent towards Parker, relating them both together.  Mise en scene in this shot as the background contrasts with the characters: background of the shot is a little girls room with toys and doll houses, but characters are fighting which is unusual to find in that sort of place and Parker crane and the mother do not belong there so we do not normally associate a little girls innocent bedroom with evil.  In the middle of the scene the angle of the camera changes to worms eye where Parker is looking up at his mother showing he lives in fear of her and is afraid of what she might do to him or any sudden movements.  A dutch angle is introduced when there is a close up to the mother, showing she is unbalanced and a dangerous character.  It could also suggest that Parker is in a dangerous situation.  Room goes dark instantly due to the low key lighting, this is because the mother has now noticed Josh and the others, she is in control in this scene and this scares Josh as she is evil.  There is a supernatural occurrence when she closes the door after the room turning dark.  This could also show she has the power and is in a state of superiority against Josh because he is very vulnerable at this point because he does not have Elise or Carl with him.  tracking then happens again as Josh tries to escape the room, showing that the way he got in to the room is the only way he will get out and he will not be able to as the room has been closed by the mother.  The mood in this scene is quite tense as the audience may not be able to predict what will happen next.  We see the mother and Parker from the point of view of Josh, as we are watching the scene like we are there with him and experience what he experiences which is fear of the mother and pity for the son.  We also see the mother from Parkers point of view as he is afraid of her as well and fears her actions.  The mother could symbolise death as she controls darkness and can cause harm to others like Parker and can cause fright to Josh when he is alone after she talkes the others out of the room.  

Rebecca Larkman

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