Thursday 16 October 2014

The Shining Essay

The Shining Essay.

13-16 minutes long scene.

The scene starts off with the boy playing with red darts.   The red darts could represent danger and death which are both regular conventions of horror.  Darts symbolise violence which could foreshadow suffering in later scenes.  As he goes up to collect the darts the non-diegetic music starts and it sounds like chalk is being dragged or scrapped down a chalk board, which is shown when Danny goes to collect the darts.  Also in the background of this shot you can see a collection of photographs which are all arranged in a way that shows religious symbolism (a cross).  This could then suggest that the film has religious content and could also link back to the fact the hotel was built on an Indian graveyard.  The shot then cuts to two girls dressed exactly the same.  The colour they are wearing (green) could suggest sickness and how it is creeping up on the boy so it is foreshadowing that sickness or psychological issues may come to live later on in the film.  This is part of the mise-en-scene as the performance of both of the girls leads to quite a mysterious atmosphere which causes suspense.  There is also an eye line match between both of the girls and Danny.  This part of the scene makes me feel confused because I don’t know why two girls have spontaneously appeared out of nowhere so it makes me feel uneasy and unable to predict what might happen later on.  As the shot cuts to the next scene the camera tracks backwards following Wendy, Jack and the manager.  In the background there is an ‘EXIT’ sign.  This is part of the mise-en-scene because it could show that they need to get out of the hotel because it will cause many problems for them later on whilst they live there.  It could also imply that they are trapped because now that they are at the hotel they can’t get out and so they are stuck in the hotel with no way of getting out after all of the staff leave.  It could mean that they are in an isolated location and it will not be easy to escape if they are in danger: this is another regular convention of horror.  This relates to a film called ‘A Stranger Calls’ in which Jill finds herself in an isolated setting with no means of getting out or escaping.  The camera also tracks all the way up to their room and when they enter the room there is an establishing shot where you can see the bedrooms and the lounge as they walk in.  The colours of the room are neutral along with the clothes that Wendy and Jack are wearing which could suggest that they blend in to their hotel as if nobody will know they are there once everyone leaves.  The main colour that is present in this scene is green and brown which both suggest sickness and illness, this could foreshadow for later on in the film and is also part of the mise-en-scene.  There is then a straight cut to where you see the characters outside which the camera tracks until they reach the snowplough which is coloured red.  This colour could suggest danger, pain and it is also pointed out by the manager that they may need to use it later on, which is again foreshadowing.  The shot then cuts to Danny and his mother being shown around- mainly the kitchen.  The colours that Danny is wearing are red, white and blue; all colours of the American flag, whereas Wendy is wearing more native American-Indian clothing which could contrast with Danny’s attire.  The native American-Indian clothing that Wendy is wearing could link to the hotel as it was built on an Indian graveyard and so could suggest religious content.  There is high key lighting in this scene which contrasts with what the chef is wearing as he is wearing dark colours so this could suggest he may be of importance later on in the scene as what he is wearing matches Danny’s clothing as well, suggesting they are similar in some way.  Tracking backwards happens as they walk throughout the kitchen.

25-27 minutes long scene.

Scene starts off by tracking both Wendy and Danny as they enter the maze and there is a static shot that shows a picture of the maze and what it is called. The camera tracks Danny and Wendy backwards as they follow the route around the maze and then tracks them forwards. There is a cross dissolve that then shows Jack and tracks him until he reaches the table where a version of the ‘overlook maze’ is.  As the camera tracks, you can see the colour red on the wall posts, suggesting that evil and death is creeping up on him.  There is then a long shot in which you can see the maze in full.  This could imply that the maze could cause Wendy and Danny to get lost and feel trapped, just like the hotel makes them feel.  He is looking over the maze which shows that he is keeping a close eye on Wendy and Jack; almost as if he is a bird looking for it’s prey.  It could also suggest that Wendy and Danny are in a vulnerable position, foreshadowing what might happen later on in the film.  There is a close up of Jack’s face emphasising his expression; like he is thinking of something that could be harmful towards the others.  There is non diegetic music throughout this scene.  It starts off with a slow tempo causing suspense making me feel uneasy to what may happen next.  As the camera zooms in on the maze from a high angle, the non diegetic music changes to a fast tempo and also seems to get louder, causing even more suspense and I don’t know what will happen next.  The shot then cuts to Wendy and Danny walking in this maze as the camera tracks backwards.  The colour green that surrounds them could indicate that they are both getting sick or ill and this is also a regular convention of horror.  

Rebecca Larkman

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